For individual sales:

To Order for Events and Bookstores ONLY:

  • Email the publisher, Ben, at

  • Give your email address, name, store address and other information, along with the book you want to order (THE NOVELIZERS by David Spencer)

  • Ben will add you to the list of store accounts at

  • Then, sign in and order THE NOVELIZERS by David Spencer online at BearManor Media at the wholesaler’s discount of 50% off plus postage using the code BMw15bkst in the “Apply Coupon” blank in your shopping cart.

  • Please order 3 weeks before you need the books, to be safe.

  • For orders over 50 books, please order 4-5 weeks ahead.

  • Bear Manor can provide a “drop shipping” service: a customer orders from you, you order from Bear Manor, and Bear Manor sends the product to them.

  • Bear Manor cannot accept returns for unsold books. However, the author may be willing to take unsold copies for his next event.

  • Please address any questions to